Friday, September 18, 2009

30 - Drugs that May Reduce Combined Hormonal Contraceptive Efficacy

Interacting Drug




Established; reduced efficacy if 50 microg EE



Strongly suspected

Anticonvulsants and sedatives

  Phenytoin, mephenytoin, phenobarbital, primidone, carbamzepine, ethosuximide

Strongly suspected; reduced efficacy if 50 microg EE; trials lacking


  Tetracycline, doxycycline

Two small studies find no association


No association documented


No effect on efficacy of a 30 microg EE + desogestrel pill


No effect on efficacy of a 30 microg EE + levonorgestrel pill


Variable effects; see manufacturer or other

EE = ethinyl estradiol.

29 - Drugs Whose Effectiveness Is Influenced by Combination Oral Contraceptives

Interacting Drug






Larger doses of analgesic may be required



Larger doses of analgesic may be required



Smaller doses of analgesic may be required



Larger doses of analgesic may be required


  Dicumarol, warfarin





Decrease dosage about a third


  Diazepam, alprazolam


Decrease dose



May need to increase dose

  Other benzodiazepines


Observe for increased effect




Watch for potentiation of effects, decrease dose accordingly


  Aminophylline, theophylline, caffeine


Reduce starting dose by a third




Increase dose



May need to lower dose



Suspected liver damage




May use smaller dose



See manufacturer or other

Friday, May 1, 2009

28 - Endometrial Cancer Risk Factors

Proliferation of the endometrium is under the control of estrogen, and prolonged exposure to unopposed estrogen from either endogenous or exogenous sources plays a central etiologic role. Risk factors for endometrial cancer include obesity, low fertility index, early menarche, late menopause, and chronic anovulation. Granulosa cell tumors of the ovary that secrete estrogen may present with synchronous endometrial cancers. Chronic unapposed estrogen replacement increases the risk, and women taking tamoxifen for breast cancer treatment or prevention have a twofold increased risk.

The Lynch syndrome occurs in families with an autosomal dominant mutation of mismatch repair genes MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, and PMS2, which predispose to nonpolyposis colon cancer as well as endometrial and ovarian cancer. The estimated lifetime risk for endometrial cancer is 40–60%, with a mean age around 50 years. Unlike colorectal cancer, endometrial cancer risk is not lower in MSH6 mutation carriers. Most women present with stage I disease, and the survival rate is generally good (5-year survival 88%). No unique endometrial screening strategies have been established for Lynch family gene carriers.

• Obesity
• Impaired carbohydrate tolerance
• Nulliparity
• Late menopause
• Unopposed oestrogen therapy
• Functioning ovarian tumours
• Previous pelvic irradiation
• Family history of carcinoma of breast, ovary
or colon

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

27 - Oral Contraceptive Pills Mcqs

1q: oral contraceptives ( OCPs ) give protection against all of the following except ?

a. endometrial carcinoma
b. osteoporosis
c. benign breast disease
d. hepatic adenoma

OCPs – Oral contraceptive pills give protection against the following conditions :

1. T = Thyroid autoimmune disorders
2. H = Hirsutism
3. E = Endometrial carcinoma

4. C = Colorectal cancer
5. O = Ovarian cancer
6. B = Benign Breast diseases ( fibroadenosis )
7. R = Rheumatoid arthritis
8. A = Anemia and Acne
9. S = Salpingitis ( PID )

10. U = Uterine cancer
11. F = Fibroids ( exception is submucous variety )
12. O = Ovarian cysts

13. P = Pelvic inflammatory disease
14. O = Osteoporosis and Osteopenia
15. E = Ectopic pregnancy
16. M = Mittelschmerz , Menorrhagia , Dysmenorrhea , Premenstrual Tension , Polymenorrhea .

Other important points to be remembered about OCPs is that their extensive use leads to a few diseases like :

1. Cancer cervix
2. Breast cancer
3. Pituitary adenoma
4. Hepatic adenoma

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

26 - total laparascopic hysterectomy video

this is a beautiful video of total laparoscopic hysterectomy. it is beautifully done and beautifully explained . absolutely bloodless . observe the steps carefully

Saturday, February 14, 2009

25 - hormone therapy in gynaecology mcqs - 1

1q: HRT is helpful in all of the following except ?


  1. vaginal atrophy
  2. flushing
  3. osteoporosis
  4. coronary heart disease


answer: d . coronary heart disease .


2q: estrogen replacement for post-menopausal symptoms cause an increase in ?


  1. LDL
  2. Cholesterol
  3. VLDL
  4. Triglycerides


Answer: d . triglycerides . estrogen replacement causes an increase in HDL and triglycerides and decreases LDL levels .


3q: estrogen administration in a post menopausal woman increases the ?


  1. gonadotropin secretion
  2. LDL – cholesterol
  3. Bone mass
  4. Muscle mass


Answer: c . bone mass .


4q: all of the following appear to decrease hot flushes in menopausal women except ?


  1. androgens
  2. raloxifene
  3. isoflavones
  4. tibolone


answer: b . raloxifene .


5q: absolute contraindication of hormone replacement therapy is ?


  1. thrombosis
  2. fibrocystic disease
  3. fibroadenoma
  4. hemorrhage


answer: a . thrombosis .


6q: GnRH analogues may be given in all of the following except ?


  1. prostate carcinoma
  2. endometrial carcinoma
  3. fibromyoma of uterus
  4. precocious puberty


answer: b . endometrial carcinoma .


here is a list of all the conditions in which GnRH analogues are used :


  1. adenomyosis
  2. irritable bowel syndrome
  3. carcinoma breast
  4. DUB
  5. endometriosis
  6. fibromyoma uterus
  7. hirsutism
  8. infertility
  9. precocious puberty

Monday, February 9, 2009

24 - absolute contraindications of oral contraceptive pills

  1. carcinoma of breast and genitals
  2. congenital hyperlipidemia
  3. porphyria
  4. cardiac abnormalities
  5. moderate to severe hypertension
  6. previous or present history of thromboembolism
  7. undiagnosed abnormal uterine bleeding
  8. impending major surgery to avoid post operative thromboembolism
  9. liver diseases , hepatoma or history of jaundice during past pregnancy 

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