Saturday, February 14, 2009

25 - hormone therapy in gynaecology mcqs - 1

1q: HRT is helpful in all of the following except ?


  1. vaginal atrophy
  2. flushing
  3. osteoporosis
  4. coronary heart disease


answer: d . coronary heart disease .


2q: estrogen replacement for post-menopausal symptoms cause an increase in ?


  1. LDL
  2. Cholesterol
  3. VLDL
  4. Triglycerides


Answer: d . triglycerides . estrogen replacement causes an increase in HDL and triglycerides and decreases LDL levels .


3q: estrogen administration in a post menopausal woman increases the ?


  1. gonadotropin secretion
  2. LDL – cholesterol
  3. Bone mass
  4. Muscle mass


Answer: c . bone mass .


4q: all of the following appear to decrease hot flushes in menopausal women except ?


  1. androgens
  2. raloxifene
  3. isoflavones
  4. tibolone


answer: b . raloxifene .


5q: absolute contraindication of hormone replacement therapy is ?


  1. thrombosis
  2. fibrocystic disease
  3. fibroadenoma
  4. hemorrhage


answer: a . thrombosis .


6q: GnRH analogues may be given in all of the following except ?


  1. prostate carcinoma
  2. endometrial carcinoma
  3. fibromyoma of uterus
  4. precocious puberty


answer: b . endometrial carcinoma .


here is a list of all the conditions in which GnRH analogues are used :


  1. adenomyosis
  2. irritable bowel syndrome
  3. carcinoma breast
  4. DUB
  5. endometriosis
  6. fibromyoma uterus
  7. hirsutism
  8. infertility
  9. precocious puberty

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